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APLU Statement on Introduction of BRIDGE Act

Washington, DC – Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) President Peter McPherson today released the following statement on the introduction of the BRIDGE Act.

“We thank Senators Lindsey Graham, Dick Durbin, Lisa Murkowski, Dianne Feinstein, Jeff Flake and Chuck Schumer and Representatives Mike Coffman and Luis Gutiérrez for their leadership in introducing the BRIDGE Act. This bipartisan, bicameral bill would extend fairness to young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children by offering them a “provisional protected status” from deportation and work authorization.

“Because of the uncertain future of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, many undocumented university students are left in an untenable situation through no fault of their own. Those who applied for DACA status came forward and in good faith provided their information to the U.S. government based on a promise they would be protected. Regardless of one’s view of the executive action at the time it was issued, the United States should be fair to these young people. This is the right thing to do.

“Last month, I wrote to President-elect Trump to urge he continue the DACA program as a matter of fairness to students. I commend the president-elect for his recent comments committing to working something out for DREAMers in recognition that they deserve a more certain status.

APLU is a strong supporter of the BRIDGE Act. We look forward to working with Members of Congress to advance this critical legislation and with the President-elect in support of a fair policy that would do right by undocumented students.”

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